Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Gerald Lysaght Bookplate for sale at £100

I have only recently become familiar with the world of armorial bookplates and have embarked upon a small and growing collection of my own however, some desirable plates are, I confess, way beyond my purse.

Presently for sale on Ebay is the bookplate of Gerald Lysaght, a major backer of the tragic 1921 - 22 Shackelton/Rowett expedition. It is an attractive plate in its own right but no doubt the history behind its owner has prompted a buy it now price of £100; this is too rich for my meager budget.

If my memory serves me correctly, one of these plates (possibly even this one) was included in an auction held by the Bookplate Society a few years ago with a guide price of £10. It is likely to have gone for far more than £10 and I remember being tempted then but feeling, even at that price, that it was likely to be too expensive for me! It looks as though I'm going to have to confine my collecting to the also-rans.

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