Talks (lectures?) on Heraldry

I presently have five prepared talks on heraldry. The first is entitled Squirrels and Chevrons, the armorial bearings of Goostrey and allied families: 

Squirrels and Chevrons - an heraldic lecture

The second is entitled The Gunpowder Plotters:

The Gunpowder Plotters - an heraldic lecture

 The third is entitled Cheshire's Feudal Government - a brief look at the heraldry of the Court of Hugh Lupus and other ecclesiastical heraldry of Cheshire.

Cheshire’s Feudal Government

The fourth is entitled  ‘Send 2/6d. for your family crest : a case for the defence.’
(The 19th century work book of an Heraldic Stationer recently discovered in the archives of Shropshire Museum)

Images to be posted shortly.

The fifth is entitled The Kinderton Roll and is an illustrated talk on the armorial prepared by Daniel King for his patron Peter venables, baron of Kinderton.

The above mentioned lectures have been prepared for presentation to regional heraldry societies but I have enough "bits and pieces" to give talks on basic heraldry or heraldry for beginners to other non heraldry groups if required. If you would like me to give a talk, do get in touch. All talks are fully illustrated Power Point presentations.

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