Monday, 9 March 2015

Much more a do about Culcheth (and its arms)

I’m pleased to report that I have just received a note from reader of the Cheshire Heraldry weblog Ian Sumner (librarian of the Flag Institute) who informs me that the “Culcheth Arms” were simply made up by a local teacher named John Winterburn, when he compiled a brief local history in the 1970s. Ian was brought up in Culcheth, when it was still in Lancashire, and remembers when the book was brought out. Ian doesn't believe that the image was ever  intended to be “the village coat of arms” but simply composed as a colour illustration to decorate the front cover of the book; “it has obviously taken on a life of its own. The local High School took the eagle from the Culcheth family arms as the inspiration for the school badge.”

I am grateful to Ian for taking the time and trouble to contact me so promptly and for subscribing to the weblog. Many thanks.

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