Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Keeping up ones standards

In a recent on-line conversation the view was expressed by a person identifying his own character as that of "a Little Englander" that in order to use a standard (in England) one requires a badge. There are precedents in English armory which indicate that this is not the case at all. Crests can be and often are used as badges and the composition of a standard whilst nowadays consisting of a combination of badges and crests would not suffer unduly if it simply contained the crest alone, whether duplicated or not.

Docwra Standard

Here is an English example, that of Prior Docwra of the Order of St.John in Tudor Times (illustration from Heraldic Standards, Gayre of Gayre & Nigg). Note that it is an English example. This would indicate to me that if any old armiger (in England) qualifies for a badge which in turn is exemplified on a standard, then anyone with a crest may also exemplify that crest on a standard. The precedent is there for anyone to follow.

The College of arms themselves state that "Individuals and corporations being granted arms, crest, and badge may have a standard exemplified in their Letters Patent which confers permission to have one manufactured and flown". This implies, to me at least, that it is the badge which is granted and the standard is merely the vehicle upon which it may be exemplified.  So, taking the Dacwra example, if you have a crest you can have a standard.

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