In memory of my father who passed away at the age of 90 on Tuesday 29th August. His life was all that he could have wished and he died a contented man.
Set Your Mind Free
Have you ever set your mind free?
To wander down Memory Lane?
To linger at every Milestone
to savour this wonderful game?
How far back do you want to go?
It’s really up to you.
You can leave out all your troubles
or just leave in a few.
What about the times you “nearly”?
Perhaps you’d better leave those.
Just put on the pink spectacles
that smell of the fragrant rose.
Can you go back to the Twenties
when Al Jolson sang Sonny Boy
in the very first of the talkies
that gave such wonder and joy?
Perhaps the hungry Thirties
when unemployment stalked the land
and when discipline at school
was the cane across the hand?
Then from ’39 to ‘45
when Britain fought for its life
those dark heartbreak years
of tragedy, grief, and strife.
Those dreamy early Fifties
with rationing still in force
when a really tasty meal
was that laced with H.P. Sauce.
And then the late Fifties
at last climbing the hole
enter a new phenomenon
in the shape of “Rock and Roll”.
Did the Sixties get a bit better?
You may even have managed a car.
Or did you join the Hippy trail
to strum on an old guitar?
The Seventies and Eighties
they just came and went
as you pressed your nose to the grindstone
to pay your mortgage or your rent.
And so into the Nineties
did you think you could relax?
BUT! Governments liked your money
so you had to run to pay the Tax.
Then into the new Millennium
can you now take a well-earned rest?
And think back to all those years
and know you’ve passed the test.
Now into the present day
are your memories still intact?
Hold on to them very tightly
so nothing can detract.
But I must offer some caution
be aware of the tempting rose
for your conscience will be waiting
your meanderings to expose.
Derrick Goldstraw
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