Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Out for a Duck!

My reader has just pointed me to a conversation on a medieval and fantasy roll playing forum where a lady calling herself Cherish informs her fellow participants that she has been successful in tracking down the coat of arms for her maiden name. "Here's our coat of arms" she proudly proclaims!

No it’s not your coat of arms

The lady states that her maiden name is Goldstraw and stakes her claim to "our" coat of arms without realizing that in doing so she makes it necessary for me to disclaim any relationship to any married lady whose maiden name is Goldstraw who calls herself "Cherish". Since the arms belong to me, and may therefore only lawfully be used by me and my descendants according to the law of arms I feel that her claim to be my legitimate offspring should be refuted most vigorously; perhaps her real father should be made aware that she appears to have disclaimed him!

A larger image of the conversation can be found here: 

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