Wednesday, 8 April 2020

The Chief Herald of Arms of Malta

Some of you may know that I have challenged the right of the Chief Herald of Arms of Malta to grant new arms, register/matriculate existing arms and, most importantly, to regulate heraldry in Malta. Letters have been exchanged, the first being an enquiry to the Chief Herald himself which gained no response. I then wrote to his boss, the Chief Executive of Heritage Malta and received a reply from a learned advocate which did not answer my questions. I then wrote to the Maltese Government Ombudsman and the matter was placed into the hands of their Chief Investigating Officer who accepted that I and The Armorial Register Limited had an interest in the matter and asked me to provide a response to the FAQs since posted on the website of the Chief Herald. I have now submitted the response to the Chief Investigator.

For those of you who are interested, here is my response:

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