Tuesday, 20 February 2018


I have just completed three images for the family of Calveley, those of Sir George Calveley, Knight, Ralph Calveley, Esquire and John Calveley. (John was the son of Ralph and not illegitimate.)

The arms of Ralph and John carry the bordure engrailed indicating illegitimacy; Ralph Calveley (died 1619) was filius naturalis of Anthony Calveley, second brother of Sir Hugh Calveley, of Lea Hall. Sir George was the oldest son of Sir Hugh.

The arms of Ralph Calveley, Esquire, 1619.
Arms: Quarterly of six: 1, Argent, a fess Gules between three calves passant Sable; 2, Sable, on a chevron Argent between three cross crosslets Or, as many cinquefoils Gules; 3, Argent, on a bend Sable, nine annulets, interlaced by threes Or; 4, Ermine, on a fess Gules, a crescent Or; 5, Argent, on a saltire Sable five swans close of the first, a crescent for difference; 6, Sable, two hinds counter-trippant in fesse Argent; a crescent Gules for difference. The whole six quarterings within a bordure engrailed Or.

Ralph, although married with a son and a daughter also had "a base son Hugh Calveley, whom he much affected".

All three examples can be found here:


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