Friday, 29 April 2016

I just can't keep up with it any-more!

I can't keep up with it any more and I'm wondering why I should even bother.

On 23rd January 2014 I wrote on my Cheshire Heraldry Blog that I was shocked to learn that Andrew Stewart Jamieson had decided to lay down his heraldic paint brush and would no longer be taking any more commercial commissions to paint armorial bearings. Then, on 19th March 2015 I reported that it had been brought to my attention that Andrew Stuart Jamieson, who styles himself “Queen’s scribe and illuminator” had decided to return to the world of heraldic art. Now, it appears that we are back to square one with an announcement made by him on the 25th April (on his Facebook page) that he is no longer accepting commissions and has moved out of the field of heraldic art and into the field of fine art!

I think I'm probably repeating myself (hopefully for the final time) but I like Mr. Jamieson's heraldic work and his heraldry will be missed. Fortunately for those wishing to commission art work he isn't (or should that be wasn't)  the only good heraldic artist out there.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Mathews' American Armoury

This is the latest historical reprint from the stable of The Armorial Register.

Matthews' American Armoury and Blue Book

First published in 1907, this book contains a list of many of the Americans with coats of arms. It includes biographical information, genealogical information, as well as a description of the arms, crest, and motto. Other information listed include clubs and societies the individual belonged to, and the persons' residences along with a list of Royal Warrant Holders

A Clean original facsimile of the original, not an OCR copy.

The book, part of The Classic History and Heraldry Series, is in hardback with 358 pages and 923 black and white illustrations of Arms reproduced by facsimile from the original volume and is 6in wide x 9in tall (13.29cm wide x 22.23cm tall).

ISBN: 978-0-9568157-7-4

Price: £29.99 UK Pounds + Shipping & Packaging

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