Thursday, 15 October 2015

First Day Covers - White Lion Society

I meant to post this earlier but it slipped my mind. Back in September I received the following note from Adrian Barham, Honorary Treasurer of the White Lion Society:

"In our May Newsletter we advertised the availability of a limited edition set of First Day Covers (FDCs) produced by the Society and featuring the Heraldic Beasts Post & Go stamps issued by Royal Mail on 13th May 2015. These proved to be extremely popular, and sold out very quickly (with a long reserve list of members who were disappointed).

However, I am delighted to report that the British Postal Museum and Archive (BPMA) selected the Lion stamp from the Heraldic Beasts issue to be its overprinted re-issue, on 16th September 2015. This means that a set of six stamps featuring just the Lion design were re-issued on that date, featuring an overprint on the stamp saying “The B.P.M.A.”.

As a significant number of members missed out on the original First Day Cover sets, and with the kind assistance of the BPMA, we have produced a further First Day cover for the re-issue on 16th September. These have used the same White Lion Society envelope design as the original FDCs, but have a choice of either a BMPA special postmark or a Berkhamsted special postmark (to match the Society’s address on the envelope). In addition, they feature a White Lion stamp and a postmark commemorating the 530th anniversary of the Battle of Bosworth, at which King Richard III, founder of the College of Arms, was killed. Examples of the two covers are shown in the attached PDF.
These are again limited to just 25 covers using each of the postmarks (50 covers in total), with priority being given to members who missed out on the original offer. The cost is £15 per cover, with postage being the same as last time (£2.00 for UK addresses, £6.75 for Europe and £7.50 for Rest of World).

If you would like to purchase one of the FDCs, please send an e-mail to me at to check availability (indicating which postmark you would prefer) and to agree the best way to send payment (particularly if ordering from overseas).
As ever, profits from the sale of these products helps to support the work of the College. Please consider purchasing, even if you do not normally collect stamps. The FDCs make wonderful display items.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Barham

Honorary Treasurer

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