Monday, 30 July 2012

A Goldstraw Bookplate ... by artist Tom Meek

 A Goldstraw Bookplate

I am pleased to unveil the design for my new bookplate produced in black and white  pen and ink by heraldic artist Tom Meek.

The insignia is that of a Knight Jure Sanguinis, Motto Proprio, of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George.

My surname, as indicated in the motto, was originally Goostrey (it is still locally pronounced that way) and all those bearing my surname will be able to trace their ancestors back to those who bore the surname Goostrey coming from the village of that name in Cheshire. It is a family conceit that our ancestors came from Cheshire to Leek, Staffordshire, as stone masons to build the abbey of Dieulacres for their overlord.

The mallet and chisel indicate that my family owned quarries and remained Master Stone Masons for centuries. We retained a local quarry until early in the 20th century and my kinsmen are known to have built at least two of the local Churches.

The Garb is an obvious symbol of Cheshire and Cardamine Pratensis (Cuckoo Flower or Lady’s Smock), is not only the County Flower of Cheshire but these pretty pink wildflowers are seen on the Western Isles and throughout Scotland so have a special place on the bookplate and provide a suitable frame upon which the achievement is supported.

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