Thursday, 29 March 2012

One for the diary - Heraldic Study Day

The Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society has just published details of their forthcoming Heraldry Study Day.

Heraldic study Day

You can download the poster and booking form from The Cheshire Heraldry Society site.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Ex Libris - a welcome addition to heraldic online browsing

It's always a pleasure to hear from fellow heraldry addicts and especially so when one gets the opportunity to share another's passion.

Peter Harling, Fellow of The International Association of Amateur Heralds, has just dropped me a note informing me that he has created a website introducing all to part of his ever growing heraldic bookplate collection. It's a very welcome addition to my favourites folder.

peter harlings bookplate site

Monday, 5 March 2012

Heraldry in the news.

I've had quite a busy week since my talk on the arms used by the Town Council of Knutsford. It was an absolute pleasure to meet with the staff and volunteers from the Knutsford Heritage Centre who, along with an attentive audience, made me most welcome. Photos were taken with a view to reporting on the series of talks given during February and I was rather surprised, upon my return from holiday (I had a marvelous week with my extended family), to find that the Knutsford Guardian had published a wee bit about the talk. One of the most enjoyable aspects of giving a talk on heraldry is that it presents the opportunity to answer questions; I am very pleased to report that the Knutsford audience took full advantage of the session to satisfy their curiosity both general and specific to the town arms.

I reproduce here the photo used in the article; I am smiling honest!

 Martin Goldstraw with audience member Dorothy Webster looking at an old Knutsford guide book

With me is Dorothy Webster and we are  looking at an old Knutsford guide book.

Photo courtesy Knutsford Heritage Centre/Knutsford Guardian.

I really do recommend a visit to the heritage Centre.

How about becoming a professional? College of Arms Job Advertisement

 The College of Arms are advertising for a Probationary Officer of Arms. Organization The College of Arms is the official heraldic authority...

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