Thursday, 14 July 2011

Are you a mug if you get it wrong?

Some time ago the Cheshire Heraldry Society Programme Secretary approached me to ask if I could shed any light on the armorial bearings illustrated on a Chinese porcelain mug. Identified thus in David Sanctuary Howard’s book Chinese Armorial Porcelain:
1st Qtr identified as Kinsey
2nd Qtr attributed to Chardelow (of Spratling Norfolk)
3rd Qtr unknown
4th Qtr attributed to Grosvenor

This attribution is not correct.

Kinsey Armorial Chinese Porcelain Mug

I believe that the 2nd and third quarters are Birchels and the 4th quarter is Grosvenor (really Eaton).
I have expanded on this belief and given evidence to back it up in my talk entitled Squirrels and Chevrons.

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