The Cheshire Heraldry Society
Courtesy of our Programme Secretary, John Titterton, here is the programme for the whole year 2011/12.
24 September 2011
Daniel King's Kinderton Roll (c. 1656). Martin Goldstraw
15 October 2011
The Murray Arms; the search for a Grant. Hugh Murray
19 November 2011
The Heraldry of Bath Abbey. Roland Symons
21 January 2012
Cheshire Knights and their Ladies. Tony Bostock
18 February 2012
East Indiamen and Other. Dr Andrew Gray
17 March 2012
Arms of the Hon. Artillery Company. John Tunesi of Liongam
21 April 2012
Meetings are held at
Townley Street Schoolroom, Townley Street, Macclesfield, starting at 2.30 pm, followed by light refreshments.
(room opens at 2.00 pm). (Pay & Display car park 100 yds.)
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