Thursday, 25 November 2010

Imitation or theft?

I was searching Google this morning for references to the Malbank barons of Nantwich and decided to flip to the image view. Up popped a number of images which I remembered making for the "King's Vale Royal" section of the Cheshire Heraldry web site some years ago; curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on one of the images expecting it to lead me to the aforementioned part of my web site ... unfortunately it did not. I was taken to someone else's web site where every image used to illustrate an article entitled "They came they saw they conquered" has been stolen from Cheshire Heraldry and used without shame, permission or acknowledgement. 

This is not the first time it has happened and I dare say that I'm not the only one it has happened to. Why is it that people think the Internet is not subject to copyright laws? It takes me hours to make an image and it is infuriating to see others use it without even asking. I shall write to the offender asking him to remove the images to give him a chance to put his house in order before I take legal action.

A section of the offending web site:

A section of the offending web site

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