Wednesday, 1 September 2010

You are cordially invited ....

Today was one of those rare but pleasant days where the post (mail) was dominated not by bills but by heraldry:  I received my copy of Tak Tent, the magazine of The Heraldry Society of Scotland (always a welcome read) along with a pleasant note from Alan Fennely, Secretary of the Greater Manchester Heraldry Society, thanking me for agreeing to present my talk on The Heraldry of the 1605 Conspirators. It is always a pleasure to hear from Alan and I shall look forward to meeting once again a number of increasingly familiar faces in Manchester in November.

The Heraldry of the Gunpowder Conspirators

Power point slides of the Gunpowder talk.

 The Talk is to be held on Saturday 6th November at 2 p.m. at The Friends Meeting House on Mount Street Manchester (behind the Central Reference Library) and you are cordially invited to attend.

Tak Tent informs all that The Heraldry Society of Scotland has now published its syllabus for 2010 - 11.

Lectures are held in the Royal Scots Club 30 Abercromby Place Edinburgh (unless otherwise noted) and I can vouch for the warm reception guests will receive so if you are able to attend, whether a member of the Society or not, please do so. I reproduce the syllabus below for your benefit:

Saturday 25th September 2010 - Ulster Scots, their heraldic connections - Prof Jim Floyd.

Saturday 30th October 2010 - The Herald's Tabard: The Outward Show - Mark Dennis, Ormond Pursuivant of Arms.

Saturday 4th December 2010 - The St. Andrew Lecture - Lord Lyon Sir James Balfour Paul - an appreciation - Charles Burnett, Ross Herald of Arms. ........... Followed by The St. Andrew Dinner.

Saturday 29th January 2011 - Heraldic Quiz 0 Liam Devlin, Quiz Master.

Saturday 26th February 2011 - The Death of Heraldry (provisional title) Clive Cheeseman, Richmond Herald.

Saturday 26th March 2011 - Scottish Medical Heraldry - Dr. Beverly Bergman.

Saturday 30th April 2011 - Excursion.

Saturday 28th May 2011 - AK Bell Library Perth - AGM & Member's Miscellany.

Tak Tent

And last but most certainly not least - a reminder that the syllabus for the meetings of the Cheshire heraldry Society can be found on their web page:

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