Tuesday, 23 September 2008

The Armorial Bearings of Goostrey & Allied Families

I will be presenting a talk (I hesitate give it such a grand handle as lecture!) on Saturday at the September meeting of the Cheshire Heraldry Society and would like to invite my reader to attend.  It is to be my very first talk on any heraldic subject and I have chosen to present an illustrated chat on the armorial bearings of Goostrey and allied families. 

The original intention of the talk was to have been a study of the arms used by the descendants of  Lidulph de Twemlow illustrating their use of squirrels and chevrons. However, it soon became apparent that I could not ignore the wider descent of Lidulph’s own ancestors. The study therefore has become a meandering one and begins with Wulfric, Lord of Croxton and Lache.

If you are anywhere near Macclesfield on Saturday, it would be a pleasure to see you.

Meetings of the Cheshire Heraldry Society are held at the Townley Street Schoolroom, Townley Street, Macclesfield, starting at 2.30 p.m. The room opens at 2.00 p.m. and there is a pay and display car park 100 yards away. 

September Illustrated talk

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