Friday, 15 February 2008

Quarterly of forty eight.

I have recently been working on two private commissions so have not been able to spend much time on the Visitations of 1663 however I have been slowly going through the identification of the forty eight quarters of the armorial bearings of Booth which are displayed as a monument to Langham and Henry Booth. They can be seen in the Dunham (or Booth) Chapel at Bowdon Parish Church and the image below was kindly supplied by R. Adamson Esq.

If you have an idle moment and feel you can fill in some of the missing gaps (see link below), just drop me an email.

1 comment:

  1. I have been contacted by a very good friend of the Cheshire Heraldry Society, Alan Fennely, he of Manchester heraldry fame, who has very kindly pointed me to Johnston "Notitia Anglicana" vol 1 Plate 77 & vol 2 p.83 which gives a full explanation of the quarters in this coat of arms.
    He states that:
    "The quarters are:
    13. argent seme of billets a lion rampant sable (
    de la Planche -the lion should be crowned)
    21-Ashton of Ashton under Lyne
    22-Stanley of Mottram
    25-Hugh Keveliok, Earl of Chester
    26 & 30 -Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester
    29-Bassett of Blore
    43-charges are bears heads and are for Langham
    The others are not identified."
    I am grateful to Alan and look forward to bumping into him again at another lecture.


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