Thursday, 8 November 2007

Talbot coat of arms - eBay - again!

As recently as 29th October I reported the sale of the Letters Patent of the armorial bearings of Sir William John Talbot and now report that a library painting of the same arms has just fallen under the hammer for £74.00 - same seller but I regret to say that I did not make a note of the purchaser of the L's P so can't say if the painting has gone to the same owner.

1 comment:

  1. My father - David Farrow Talbot has an original Letters Patent of the armorial bearings of Sir William John Talbot and I have a hand painted copy of the Coat of Arms as does my sister Victoria Talbot Hatcher. We also have a nearly full length portrait of Sir William Talbot. I am currently designing a 'closed visor' version of the Coat of Arms so that my son and I can use it.
    We love our family history and would love to hear back from any relatives.


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