Friday, 22 June 2007

A New Lord Lyon

Although there has been no official announcement, the retirement of Robin Orr Blair, LVO, Lord Lyon King of Arms has been leaked on the HSS forum.
It seems that Mr. Brian Hamilton has been informed that "A recent correspondent to the Lyon Office was told to delay his petition until after the New Year (2008) as the present Lord Lyon was retiring from office in December." 
Mr. Hamilton was "surprised that no one else has posted on this subject so far."
The retirement of Mr. Blair from office has been the subject of a serious rumour for a number of days now though it would seem, from what I gather from another reliable source, this is rather more substantial than a mere rumour as it has now been confirmed by a senior member of Lyon Court. It seems that the intention is to advertise the post once more. Those familiar with Lyon Court will know that Mr. Blair was the first to be appointed to this post following public advertisement of the vacancy in 2001. [The first being the fact that the post had never before been advertised in the National Press]
Since we all love to speculate and it would seem that the speculation over a possible retirement is over, I shall indulge in a wee bit of my own speculation. I know that Carrick would perhaps be a more obvious immediate choice but my money is on W. David H. Sellar, Bute Pursuivant of Arms who was appointed Bute Pursuivant on 1st November 2001. 
 Bute Persuivant
It could of course be YOU !
Any takers?

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