Wednesday 22 January 2014

Tayleur (Taylor) Arms

Following on from yesterday’s discussion over strange and incorrect pub signs, I spoke to Lawrence, the landlord of the Tayleur Arms at Longdon on Tern and he very kindly let me have a copy of an old photo of the pub showing the previous, correct, sign. He is reluctant to change the incorrect sign because of the newer and arguably more famous connection with the clipper (and of course the cost of having a new sign painted would be prohibitive) but has stated that I have sewn the armorial seed in his head and he will give consideration to commissioning an armorial banner to fly on a flag pole. I’ve let him have a suitable design for the banner (to avoid any further heraldic fau-pas) and provided details of the entries in Burke’s and the Visitations.

The old sign Tayleur Arms

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