Sunday 1 July 2012

The Cheshire Heraldry Society Programme for 2012/13

The Cheshire Heraldry Society Programme for 2012/13 is:

Sept 22nd 2012Elias Ashmole, Windsor Herald 1660-1692* Dr Adrian Ailes FSA FHS
Oct 20th 2012The heraldic glass at Charlecote - Chris Purvis
Nov 17th 2012Goss China - Nigel Griffin
Jan 19th 2013Aspects of Medical Heraldry - Alan Fennely.
Feb 16th 2013Architectural Heraldry* - Prof. James D Floyd  BSc, PhD, CGeol,FGS, FSAScot.
Mch 16th 2013Trade Guilds of Scotland* - Leslie Hodgson
Apr 20th 2013Annual General Meeting.

* Meetings presented in conjunction with The Heraldry Society

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