Tuesday 20 November 2007

I'm not really into golf - but for just over £15!

Although I am a subscriber to the view put forward by that renowned wit Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) that Golf is a good walk spoilt, I have never the less just taken receipt of a personalised golf umbrella and I have to say that on the whole I am most impressed. At £9.99 plus postage and packing Spire View will produce a personalised golf umbrella with your chosen design in two of the segments (for an extra £1.50 they will print your design on all four).

I asked them to put my own armorial bearings on all four of the white segments and considered myself fortunate that of the two colour options  (white and red or white and blue) my livery colours of red and white were available. The result is quite pleasing, service was second to none and delivery prompt; but I must add the caution that for real enthusiasts of armory, some of the products sold by Spire View may well fall foul of the "bucket shop" range. That said though, for £15.19 what more could you ask?

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